Rosemary Giles

Thesis Title:
Western Counties Veterans’ Lodge and the Rehabilitation of Canada’s Tubercular Second World War Veterans
Research Interests:
My broad research interests lie in Canadian, social, and military histories. I have two ongoing projects at present, both which intersect with medical history. Firstly, my dissertation focuses on the history of a novel tuberculosis treatment centre opened in London, Ontario at the end of the Second World War. While primarily focused on the medical care provided to veterans, it also looks at the way that their medical care has been used as a model of treatment to be transitioned into civilian healthcare. Secondly, I am researching conscientious objectors who served in the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps and Canadian Dental Corps during the Second World War. This centres the experience of individuals while also addressing ideas of remembrance at the end of the war.
- Giles, Rosemary. “All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go: A Visual Representation of Rehabilitation and Masculinity in Yosemite National Park.” In Recognizing Environmental History When We See It, Introduction by Andrew Watson. NiCHE (2021).
Conference Papers:
“The Conscientious Objector Experience in the RCAMC and CDC, 1943-45,” 34th Military History Colloquium, Laurier Centre for the Study of Canada, May 2024.
“‘In accordance with basic training syllabus for conscientious objectors’: The CO Experience in the CAMC, 1943-1945,” McCaffrey Seminar, Western University, March 2024.
“War and Wilderness: Intersections with Patriotism and Masculinity in Canadian Second World War Alternative Service Work,” Rethinking War: A Virtual Interdisciplinary Conference, University of Pittsburgh, April 2023.
“‘Opportunities Unlimited’: Western Counties Health and Rehabilitation Centre and the Rehabilitation of Canadian Second World War Veterans,” 31st Military History Colloquium, Laurier Centre for Military Strategic and Disarmament Studies, May 2021.
“That ‘70s Class, Teaching Energy During Canada’s Energy Crisis,” Between Postwar and Present Day: Canada, 1970-2000 – Local, National, Global, University of Guelph, May 2021.
Archival Travel:
Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
United Church of Canada Archives, Toronto, Ontario